Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), is the mother of communal organisations

Muslim Rashtriya Manch, RSS net
By NA Ansari, The Milli Gazette
Published Online: Oct 24, 2010
Print Issue: 1-15 October 2010

New Delhi: Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), is the mother of communal organisations like Hindu Mahasabha, Jan Sangh, Shiv Sena, Bajrang Dal and Vishwa Hindu Parishad. Its very objective is to adopt anti-Muslim attitude and policy and it declares such intentions from time to time has all of a sudden stood up in sympathy with Muslims. Though apparently a sympathy but in reality is a ruse, or more appropriately a conspiracy, to make them second class citizens of which simple and unsuspecting Muslims might become victims.
Recently, it has opened a new offshoot named ‘Muslim Rashtriya Manch’ of which ‘bought’ and millat-selling Muslims are being made members so that through these conscience-selling and so-called Muslims, the common Muslims could be misled through false propaganda and be alienated from Muslim ulama, intellectuals, Muslim organisations. This is to create confusion and division in the Muslim society and eliminate milli leadership. With this Manch RSS wants to divide Muslim votes in such a way that its direct benefit could be reaped by BJP. RSS has fully made up its mind and geared itself to cerate an environment against Muslim social, cultural and religious identity. Some times it opposes Muslims Shariat, sometimes has opposition to parda, opposition to building and repair of mosques. It opposes Haj, condemns appeals and statements of ulama and muftis. Its opposition to implementation of Sachar Committee and Rangnath Mishra Commission’s recommendations, and its attempts to instigate Dalits against the recommendations of both these commissions are tacts. By starting a campaign against Quraish fraternity on the pretext of cow slaughter and meat business it wants to destroy them economically. All these have been parts of RSS and its outfits campaigns against Muslims. These people have always been shouting against Islamic madrasas and parroting that these are dens and training centres of Islamic terrorism. Through such false and baseless propaganda, these people and organisations lose no opportunity of defaming and spreading hatred against these madrasas among Hindus. In the light of all these how can a crass communal and anti-Muslim organisation can be sympathiser of Muslims? One can easily guess how such an organisation created by an organisation like RSS can work for promoting religious, social and linguistic identity and progress of Muslims. RSS is the serpent which on the pretext of allotment of land for Amarnath Shrine Board had left no stone unturned in economically ruining Muslims of the Kashmir Valley by blocking the transportation of their fruits, vegetables and other products and supply of cereals, goods, medicines and other essential items into Kashmir in its zeal of anti-Muslim attitude. Can it ever be called its sympathetic attitude towards Muslims?

This article appeared in The Milli Gazette the print issue of 1-15 October 2010 on page no. 13

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